Blue Light - the web series

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"Blue Light" centers on Mildred, a 1950’s housewife, who comes home to find people from the future talking to her on the television.  The first season is comprised of six episodes.  Season two will be shot in the summer of 2019.

"Blue Light" started as an experiment.  

I contacted a number of actors who I had worked with in the past and gave them a scenario/event as the source material for their improvs, where they would video tape themselves over the course of several weeks as I revealed new information to them.

 I came up with six possible causes for the events that launched the improvs.   I fleshed out each of the six ideas so that each interpretation of the events could equally be justified.

I had anticipated that the actors would bring their personal beliefs to the improvs, with their beliefs dictating how they would interpret the events.  I was wrong.  Across the board, the actors opted for science fiction as the source of the events in question.

Initially, the whole series was just going to be the actors improv footage cut together.  While cutting together their improvs and reactions, Mildred and 1956 Baltimore emerged as the best platform to present the actors' collective interpretations.

Blue Light - web series - Episode One. "Blue Light" is a science fiction web series, which takes place in 1957, Baltimore County. Milly comes home to find people from the future trying to communicate with her through her television.
Blue Light - web series - Episode Two. "Blue Light" is a science fiction web series, which takes place in 1957, Baltimore County. Milly comes home to find people from the future trying to communicate with her through her television.
In Blue Light - web series - Episode 3: Mildred's friend Rose arrives. Someone to confirm her sanity! As Mildred continues to face the people from the future infecting her TV, and other aspects of her life.
In science fiction web series, Blue Light, Episode 4: Mildred's friend Rose witnesses the oddities that haunt the house. Unable to get in touch with anyone, Rose makes a quick getaway, leaving Mildred to fend for herself. Mildred's house becomes further crowded with the unknown.
In science fiction web series, Blue Light, Episode 5: Mildred has had enough and approaches her breaking point.
In science fiction web series, Blue Light, Episode 6: Mildred wakes up, and with the sun, has the confidence to exit the house. Is it any better outside?

Written and Directed by

Miceal O'Donnell

Director of Photography 

Eileen O'Donnell

Original Score By

Rick Szybowski


Eileen O'Donnell as Mildred

Lynn Favin as Rose

Megan Caulfield

Brooke Elizabeth Silvius

Rowen Titus

Coby Ziv

On TV:

Vicky Illk, Tommy Vita, Betty Kaplan, Allison DeDecker, Austin Naulty, Claire Ganshert, Michael Downey, Leesa Ashley, Alina Smith, Joann Mercer, Rebecca Barras, Elizabeth Ervin, and Vatican Lokey

Radio Announcers:

Chris Modell and Ryan Botwinik